
sunday morning, part tres

that's how i feel right now.
life goes in circles, but makes unexpected turns.
we go forward, we go backward. you see something different each time.
we go one place, we end up at another. but in the end, it really doesn't matter.
time passes, memories fade. new ones form.

my first week in nyc has been so much fun and i still don't understand how so many people fit into a 12-mile strip called manhattan; how the streets are still crowded at 3 am, how wandering aimlessly could be so exciting; how there are more restaurants than cars, more idiosyncrasies than truths; how debauchery takes on a whole new meaning, how debauchery comes to define you, how debauchery is expected; how i could have gone 19 years without coming here.

starting tomorrow, i'm going to start classes and work, so this week of exploration was good. i really couldn't have asked for anything more.

“One belongs to New York instantly, one belongs to it as much in five minutes as in five years.”
-Thomas Wolfe

“The present in New York is so powerful that the past is lost.”
-John Jay Chapman